Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

probably not W/W but weakened somewhat by the fact that you are trying very hard to get me to read it as non-W/W

it’s not a thing in Europe afaik

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never had ranch
never had pb&j

idk what else muricans eat that we dont

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that’s where you’re wrong
I’m not trying to get you to read it as not W/W, I’m literally asking you to consider the thread as a whole, including all of my interactions with Litten, and you’re not doing it.

Thousand Island dressing

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/vote Litten

Litten talking about ranch in the middle of a heated argument for no reason is wolfy

Mcscuse me what

I’m talking because I’m letting the conversation happening

the fuck is this

a read

Okay thats just bad LOL

cause like 4 of us are doing that

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my brain died when this sentence was being written


unless this is a reaction test

its fucking terrible

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I don’t actually feel like I have anything else to say on that lol
I’ll just wait till someone asks me a question tbh and I won’t go to sleep till the conversation is over

help Chloe is liking my posts to pocket me I didn’t invest in enough skill points for like armor


Litten is doing it more than everyone else and specifically asking questions to keep it going, whereas everyone else’s commentary on ranch is mostly in response to him/his questions which is less wolfy since people are naturally inclined to respond to questions

yes and this is clearly wolfy

ive genuinely never had pb&j

i dont think ive ever seen pb&j being sold in any supermarket ive been to

honestly I think that’s the most opportunistic vote I’ve seen all day

1handon mouse

1hand onCARROTS

i communicatewiht likes