It’s a huge mess with regards to the rules… it can’t be defined as gamethrowing however because you can’t gamethrow when you’ve lost. The definition of gamethrowing is knowingly making your odds of winning worse.
Cultist dying with cult in his logs - he clearly lowered the odds of cult winning, of which his win condition was a part of, so 100% gamethrowing
Sorcerers logs - If you are reading his logs (I’m assuming he’s dead), his odds of winning are 0%. if this behavior were to be stopped it would need it’s own rule because again it’s litterally not possible to worsen his position.
Living assasain bussing sorcerer - This one here is a judgement call on the unseens part… actually the non illegal nature of the previous makes this a very high risk (as the sorcerer may know him and/or other unseen). But technically unseen or cults concern is to maximize their own odds of winning The sorc is a potential ally, but not their responsibility
Last unseen/cult outing sorc in logs - Same as sorc outing unseen/cult.