I am curious if and when a role list game mode will be added to the game.
The role list unequivocally assists the Town (Blue Dragon) as it lets them narrow down claims that may be impossible giving them a natural edge. Evils must work much harder to develop a stable claim and avoid suspicion.
Of course, the natural progression of the role list funnels down to the scenario of “hang one, execute the other”. Even with a fully believable claim, Blue Dragon may still have the resources to eliminate an Evil role that did a great job of deceiving others. A 3 player kingmaking dilemma still allows a 50/50 chance of a Blue Dragon win if one is confirmed and the remaining two players are virtually identical levels of trustworthiness.
I personally really enjoy the All/Any gamemode. Maybe because it requires me to think more, or maybe it’s because I like seeing Evil roles actually win instead of getting steamrolled like they do in Town of Salem.
I would be surprised if devs never introduced the role list, but I wonder if ranked games will be a thing, and if they are would they be based on an All/Any set-up or with a standardized list?
I would love to see two ranked modes: All/Any and Rolelist.
All/Any could lead to ridiculous blowouts between teams. You’ll have games where only one Blue Dragon spawns and everyone else is neutral and evil. But the allure of infinite claim space for evils in a ranked mode sounds so much more fair and fun for evils that I am personally willing to laugh off ridiculous games where it is so stacked against me.
The rule of Law of Large Numbers also promises that if you play enough games, the odds of you getting an average amount of games that ARE fair increases.
My question is- what would a fair role list look like?