Shower Thought Thread

this thread needs to be more like r/showerthoughts hold on


“this thing that happens in real life is like video game!!!”

“How the FUCK do I get hot wa- I’M BOILLING”

“I think, therefore i am intensifies”

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if “I think therefore I am” is intensifying and becoming greater

you could call that

cogito ergo summation

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if you change it to “I think, Therefore I am mafia”

would you call it

Cogito Ergo Scum?


d’yall ever wish squids were real

They are tho?

No that would be horrible

what do you mean they are

They are not

okay so what’s the joke I don’t get it


there is no joke? :thinking:

i just wondered what if squids were real lol

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I give up

._. k

I wish I was real :^)

You are really fast to give up

You’re not allowed to be real


I figured out long time ago trying to argue with idiots is a dumb idea and will only make you slam your head against the wall

good thing you aren’t idiots right