Siege on Xed SFoL 3.0 Main Thread


Then make something to do with Davy Jones

well, Iā€™ll keep it in mind if I need a new neutral


maybe even name Reaperā€™s Plunder Ability Davy Jonesā€™ Locker

you like that namechange

nod head up and down

Shoot any player that visits the target. A gatling gun being revved will be announced to the town but they wont know where or who started revving it.

that just announces that an Engineer is in the game.

also too OP killing all visitors. More of an NK ability

Its not OP, and its basically a town confirm but Pug. Lets be honest, it would discourage the usage of the gatling gun until they are the last town ingame or something

And its basically a hunter bear

ugh, but itā€™s an offensive class lol
converted from a support class

not a killing

Thats the point

But fine, if anyone visits the target, they will be redirected to a random player. If this random player is an evil, they will recieve inaccurate results if they are investigative. All offensive abilities will fail.



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Or maybe they will be redirected to the closest living playerā€™s room based off number. So if the target was 7, they would be redirected to 6 or 8

Okay good

We lowered it to 1/2 chances

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First ability that uses the gosh darn number system

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btw everyone I had an idea of a squire style class that gains abilities by visiting living players.

They will not know what they get and it will only show up as a success if they did something

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You got a convert ability


it depends on the classtype.

they can also choose to reset their current abilities

Special Classes will be a nothing ability