[Singups] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (31/X)

1 Day before my birthday… what a nice present.

i turned down the FE FM because it had too many players
oh gods, what have i gotten myself into?

psa: i may be very low posting in day 1 or day 2 as i struggle from this.


come on simon
it’s community FM
the biggest meme of them all

im not going to out, im just worried

i’ve been in 80ps before
the trick is to not read everybody and just read the people in the thread until things get more managable


no the thing is i dont have the ability to read like even 200 post backlogs at anything other than always scrolling down and not stopping for things ive missed.
there will almost surely be a multi-thousand post backlog at some point in day 1

in huge mashes you don’t read the thread

You’re going to try to murder PKR <3

real time reads are king in mashes

You don’t read 99% of anything that happens before ITAs, because who cares.

I played like that a few times in mashes, and I was fine.

just, all this is not something i feel fully equipped to handle.
hence my psa

just read the people who are posting at the same time as you in real time until ITAs
it’s worked for me so far

And in ITAs sheep nightkilled SPK villager.

because there will always be a spk’d villager
without exception

im going to do what i do.
im just saying in advance that i’ll mostlikely not be super present day 1 and/or day 2 so people cant scumread me on it

less likely day 2





Every night you may check a player, you will know if they are mafia or not. If they are attacked that night, you will revive them a day later.
(Is secretly a Vanilla Townie whose results are random and flips as a Vanilla Townie)


Mafia Lost Wolf Voteless ITA Immune Treestump and Event Shooting Jailkeeper
LolLostWolves (Passive) - You do not know who your teammates are, and they do not know who you are. However, each night you may target a player separately from your night action, and it will not count as a visit. When you target a member of the Mafia, you will join their chat.
Immune Treestump (Passive) - You are ITA immune, and if you die, you will still be able to talk in the main thread during day phases until the end of the game.
Voteless (Passive) - You cannot vote. If you attempt to vote a player at any point, you are modrevealed as Mafia in the main thread. If another player’s action forces you to vote, the vote will count as 0, but will not reveal you as Mafia.
Event Shot (Passive) - If there is an event with ITAs, you have an additional ITA shot just for that event. If there are multiple ITA events during a single day, you gain a shot for each of those events.
Jailkeeper (Night) - Roleblock a player and protect them from attacks.
Dodging the Tracker (Night) - Do absolutely nothing, because visiting someone might look suspicious to trackers – regardless if they exist or not.
Achieve parity with the town and eliminate any neutrals who stand in your way.