[Singups] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (31/X)

Like, it would have worked far better if people didn’t believe a wolf pair claiming masons.

My shot list had all of the main pack except PKR in it, and Chloe would probably have been outed if it weren’t Marshal softing masons with her.

I outed already
apologies if this disappoints you.

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Yeah, that was a huge plus.


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im just not confident in my ability to handle a huge sized game stress wise.
i have severe depression

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Plus every huge game i’ve played in before, i’ve lost in a stomp.

Also, while eevee games are fun, I’m generally always trash at them.

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Not a great combination tbh.

I sincerely hope I roll the flavor I’m picking

Can you stop hitting yourself just cuz your idol is in sight?

What does this mean

My religion says idols are very bad
I dont want to have any

also it’s more that i dislike huge games than anything.

I think she’s using ‘idol’ to mean

a person or thing that is greatly admired, loved, or revered.

rather than

an image or representation of a god used as an object of worship.

=‘stop excessively criticizing yourself just because someone you admire is in the conversation’

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this isn’t why im criticizing myself
it’s because i know it’s a certainty i would be a disaster for my team if i played the game
it’s happened every huge game i’ve played in before
and my psychological morale is as low as ever.

You are only a disaster for the game if you make everyone else having no fun
This game (and I guess a lot of the others as well) is not meant competetive. Also I don’t think you are a bad player. Just stop your obsession of using all your time doing extreme meta reads, and do some real ones instead

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Well also im out of my sleep meds (and cant get more due to pandemic) and just have melatonin which is amazingly ineffective

So that’s another reason to not join the game.

I see
Hope you can find some sleep despite of this

I suppose. I tunneled eevee for a bit in-thread in JK9 as my only real reading that game, and that felt good

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