[Singups] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (31/X)

How soon is this starting?

Too soon


You mean the dark age of turbo game :thinking:

Saying this before game starts, I plan on providing next to no content and only joking around because this game isn’t supposed to be serious

Yup. I’m one of the newest players as I joined this forum to play in the FE Fm, so I’m currently undefeated here. Then again, this’ll be my second FM game here so that’s not really something to brag too much about. As that last game showed though, I’m very good at convincing people I’m town as scum. Probably partly due to how much I’ve played ToS and I love being scum. Here’s a hint. I’m far more active as scum than I am as town probably at least partly due to me preferring to be scum. If I’m scum again, I won’t be making the same mistakes I made last game though. I don’t know how I even survived D1. If Alice had survived into D2, town would’ve won. There’s no doubt in my mind about that after reading the dead chat. Also, if you’re named Mode, you’re scum. It’s a universal rule.

im deleting whatever my win condition is and changing it to “kill whoever has the Marshal flavor”

that will be my goal


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Watch me have the Marshal flavor. My goal will be to help everyone else have fun while having fun myself.

if it’s yourself
you become the one true shitty role

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Community FM - Marshal

You are:


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interesting color
I’m assuming that’s what’s going to be used :^)

Laughs If you get the Marshal flavor Marshal you need to self ITA D1.

If I roll Marshal I’m hardclaiming it and taunting Marshal in thread

give everyone marshal flavor

now he’s an sk

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who designed this and where do they live

If I roll scum and Alice doesn’t, I’m ITAing Alice in my first post of the game.


somewhere in britain

Let’s take bets on what day marshal gets himself modkilled