[Singups] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (31/X)

I wanna roll katze

this is a thing

why does everybody want to roll the katze

so i can FPS

what would italy be like

Hey u got wolf in RMIV and performed masterfully

For the record, I want to rand Noot really bad.

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you can FPS the katze as the not katze

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Same honestly, not even joking.
Neut > Town > Maf

For me this game at least that is…
Because maf is most stressful but town’s fairly stressful too x3

Neut > Maf > Town

town is more stressful than scum for me because what if you’re wrong

neuts just do whatever the fuck they want and are fun to play

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“what passives do you have”

Noot > neut > newt

both of my neutral games have gone pretty terribly for me

i was really excited to play my scorned game and then lolarcaneempowertheassassinn1

and uh, we don’t talk about the first one

i was technically a neutral lie detector before it was cool

It’s karma because your opinion on Noots is wrong.

noot bad

Noots = Good! :angry:

I destroyed u

I’d love to roll the Arete, DatBird, or Katze roll.

i mean you technically had nothing to do with my loss

in fact i would have won if you killed me :eyes: