[Singups] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (31/X)

Much like my eyes in my light theme


Why be +EV when you can spend a game FPSing instead

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I actually use dark, I would be using Grey Amber but the orange undertone makes me wanna kms

I keep trying to open chrome and it’s not working

Was i modkilled midway through D2 some game or something
This might have happened in Auction Mafia or SCP FM

Add more ram

I heard you can download some

I have eaten all my ram


Chrome is hungry tho

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I heard you can download some at youtube.com/blahblahblahXcQ

Ans how the fuck do you draw so good


Wdym? I was in that

You were in D1 chuckles

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Did me replacing out in ToS FM 2 contribute to your team getting fucked because Zone added massive amounts of EV to my slot

I know what you’re going for here
It’s the weakest way to clap back my dude

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why did 2 people click that

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3 actually

It’s basically saying
“I played so bad that me leaving and having another person take my place was better for my team than if I stayed in”


I wanted to get rick rolled
And was disappointed