[Singups] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (31/X)

That it was :sunglasses:

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Neutral Crusader
Threadreader (Passive) - All of your reads must be threadreads. It does not matter how good they are, because judging by the pattern until now, nobody is going to listen to them anyway.
Destined Dunk (Passive) - If you are the first or last voter on a wagon and the wagoned player gets lynched, your role will change at the start of the night, unless the wagoned player flipped Neutral. If they flipped Town, you will become the Lost Wolfde. If they flipped Mafia, you will become the Dayvig Target.
Sucessfully change your alignment and fulfill the wincon of that alignment.

Lost Wolfde

Mafia Lost Wolf
Threadreader (Passive) - All of your reads must be threadreads. It does not matter how good they are, because judging by the pattern until now, nobody is going to listen to them anyway.
LolLostWolves (Passive) - You do not know who your teammates are, and they do not know who you are. However, each night, you may visit a player independently from your night action. If you visit a Mafia member this way, you will join their factional chat.
Such A Great Tactic (Day) - Only usable if at least 33% of living players (rounded down) are voting you. Selfvote and AtE. If you want, you can also replace out, but there must be a backup available. If you do not get lynched today, you become a godfather.
Reach parity with the Town and defeat all Neutrals who wish to do you harm.

Dayvig Target

Town Cop
Threadreader (Passive) - All of your reads must be threadreads. It does not matter how good they are, because judging by the pattern until now, nobody is going to listen to them anyway.
LolDeepwolf(?) (Passive) - If town dayvigs exist in the game, and/or the role Margaret is in play, their day actions will always succeed on you, no matter what.
Solve Game From Deadchat (Passive) - If dead interaction exists in the game, you will learn the alignment of all roles with access to deadchat as soon as you die. Additionally, they will be able to copypaste your posts, even if their roles do not allow them to – as long as they accompany each copypaste with a “ring ring.” If they can only access deadchat at night, they will be buffed to include the day phase. They will be informed about these buffs as soon as you die.
Cops Bad (Night) - Angrily learn a player’s alignment.
Defeat the Mafia and any neutrals who seek to do you harm.


i have depression and it was starting to feel particularly severe there
I didn’t have a concussion tho

other than the lost wolf part
this is perfect accuracy

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also /re-out
Not taking the chance that i feel the urge to replace out again
I’m horrificially garbage at huge games; always have been
TBE isn’t playing this game. My priority should be finishing our setup and making progress on other in-progress setups i’ve committed to.

I made this a lost wolf on purpose so you could still write “legitimate” threadreads instead of faking their legitimacy.

my role pls now

No me

you had a concussion, replaced out, sulit replaced in and saw her role, and then noped tf out

then SDA game in and gamered his way to a win


Hol up I got dis nappy

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I FPSed my way to victory

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Emperor shit (day) - do emperor shit
Other emperor shit (night) - do other emperor shit


derps you truly are the FPS overlord
You claimed demon 10 times in a row to katze via whisper

That I did


Namesake - If you get lynched, your role will not flip, and the next day you will come back like nothing ever happened lmao



past sulit dumb, I play mafia like pro.


Neutral killer

You may kill 1 person each day and night. However, all of these have to be done publicly and not in your classcard

be one of the last 4 players alive


Alice is a super easy role to make

just have them be lynched instantly whenever they fps

Sorry sool.
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