Smalltowns and Dragons (WIP: Do not join yet)

9 lost wolfs 2 village masons and 1 pack wolf

Whats the point of a miller if everyone knows theyre a miller?

I guess if someone gets their invest swapped to someone else

basically a scum god father no one will check and if they are town they help town by a niche strategy I said above OR. town doesn’t waste time checking them

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or that

surprisingly miller helps both alignments when it’s outted at the start


Half-orc fucks scum up so badly if they get it lol.

Should be “targets will be informed that you used your main ability on them”

What’s the difference?

Wait nvm I got it

You’re right

Because one will basically scream “I used factional kill”

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I think this suggestion would be good since it’s already a very strong ability

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Mainly I like the Mafia Universe rule of can’t cop a player N0. It embodies the spirit of what abilities are supposed to be. You should be caught by your play not because you did any action at all.

Plus elf combines like 3 other classes.

my god I will scream if there’s a site that allows N0 guilties tbh

Can’t red check *

wait math you are a genius

Thanks I know what I will center my next game around

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Glad I helped?

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Replace D0 greencheck with D0 redcheck

Sure. Let’s play a game of reverse Cop 9’er since you want a red check so bad

(Everyone is a miller and mafia are god fathers and cop gets a red check N0)