Smalltowns and Dragons (WIP: Do not join yet)

I think if the lost wolf is the only mafia alive then no kill happens…ask orange I’m not sure


Up to you :man_shrugging:

In SE Traitor loses if both Aliens die

Will I get yelled at if I say this is townsides

Of course.
If they couldn’t that would be ridiculous


Inform Firekitten or us when you want to put it on the queue.

Generally if LW is only one alive they die and town wins

Can base classes repeat?

No, such is the nature of a smalltown setup.

Or it’s going to die a slow painful forgotten death, which would be a shame to the work already put into it plus host variety is great.

cries in being too lazy to put in the flavour

I’ve just been so unmotivated to do anything due to illness and work

I will get this done, it’s just a question of when

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So hey

Turns out it takes a loooot of time to write up flavour

I’ve done 9/12 classes and I still need to do all of the race flavours as well.

Hey its fine Blue

its done when its done.

I can see like a week more probs if you take a couple hours per day working on it

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I will ping you every month until I see this ran. :upside_down_face:

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And I thought when I pinged it wasn’t allowed…