Something I will say. (Leaving forever?)

Does that make us roommates?


Would’ve liked some publicity. Changes to report system etc.

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And no it’s not the forums, just discord and in game.

there’s a problem with this, we can’t do anything if we don’t know what the problem is

town of salem is bad for a list of reasons that is too big to be here

I’ve had a lot of people hate me and make fun of me in the community before for mistakes in game, generally I can handle it but I personally can know what your going through

My biggest issue with the current game is it’s only half as fun as it used to be a lot of things I like got removed OR things I dislike got added

  • Overall Cult just doesn’t feel like a “Cult” faction based more on converts, yes hot take but old cult was better
  • Contract Mercenary my all time fav class was removed.
  • Neutral Starting King, While not as balanced, do we really think a random ek/gk is “balanced” this was a fun class that was challenging yet rewarding.
  • Removal of complexity like the occupy changes, mind warp changes even things like bewilder being removed.
  • Classes that ruin the King election system like Pretender
  • Noble Gossip confirms are worse then WKM
  • Alot more things that are minor and just bog down the game.

This doesn’t even factor my issues with the toxicity that has been going on, I have someone who stalks me and kills me n1 if I am in game with them and have been spotted, I have a lot of issues with current Tol, So I understand you.

Right now I have been playing a little less, Not going to quit likely but personally just had a lot of struggles with Tol

Soul marked the problems in his reply

cracks knuckles

You can disagree with me all you like doesn’t change me not wanting starting neutral king

Why would I want to change THAT :stuck_out_tongue:

Old Cult was better

What cult are you talking about?

Contract Merc, Neutral Starting King

That’s personal preferences tbh and not really problems in my eyes


Yeah… while it’s nice to have more clear interactions, the complexicity was fun

King election

The Pretender is a class made to counter the King. Good idea bad implementation

Noble Gossip Meta



Wait… what?? Where? You know yourself you can always report that. I don’t see an increase in the toxicity at all, it even got less.

People recognize and kill me n1

Well… well… welcome in the club :smiley: Almost everyone who is recognizable in any way gets targetted more. If you think you’re a target, try to play the game with golden armor + judge, mod or dev title :upside_down_face:
Nah, my solution for that problem is, either play together with friends, or go incognito once in a while.

My solution to the problem is to taunt them. It makes them not attack me for some reason.

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Me not having fun because I dislike a lot of changes is a personal preference, you can’t demand me to enjoy brilder merc or Pretender ect. I will always want contract merc.

Complexity was fine because honestly not a lot was changed to make the game easy to understand for newer players the glossary isn’t detailed, the tutorial is bad.

Toxcity while yes you can report it, it doesn’t always solve the issue.

and yes people recongnizing me and killing me n1 is out of spite because that person hates me.

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Oh, I was mentioning how other people are being affected by toxicity. Nothing to do with this (I think?)

This is hypocritical

How is it “Hypocritical”.

Well it may not be hypocritical and I misdefined it.

It’s probably a fallacy. It’s basically saying “Since something is unbalanced, let’s make it more unbalanced”

No adding Neutral King doesn’t make it more “Unbalanced”

are you sure?

cough this would never happen if you had your judge title equipped


way better.

gen 1 cult where sacrificing to killing, basically beta days.

google recommends you rework your grammar :crazy_face:

it drags down the playerbase, significantly.