[Standard] Bastard++ - Canned

Appel feels good for me because of their interaction with dybu slot being extremely odd if appel is on scumteam
Telling dybu to start playing is…seemingly something they would only do if they didn’t know that that’s exactly how dybu plays normally

can u send me the hedge i wanna read


actually just in this moment I realize their vote on derps was actually justified


I see the hedge, im unsure if that is just new player not understanding that u should be having clear points. I know people hate it, but meta wise is he always this hedgy in his wallposts?

you can just read ToSFM 2 to see a different wall from a town them
where’s the hedge from your pov

this point right here is the main one

So like hedges Seth but then comes to a point of tone rubbing, it feels just like hes not sure if the read makes sense

Vote Count

Accused Voters Votes
clonedcheese DatBird, Marshal, Appelsiini, an_gorta_pratai 4/8
Appelsiini DybuDabu, ModeShifter 2/8
oB_L1ght clonedcheese, Evil_Ginger 2/8
DatBird SirDerpsAlot 1/8
Italy oB_L1ght 1/8
Not Voting Italy, PokemonKidRyan, Geyde

EOD is at 2020-05-18T20:00:00Z

weird is a noticeable keyword, but then he goes to describe his thought in detail

i would say i would read the tosfm2 wall, but i wont cause im lazy. Was kinda hoping u or someone had the answer

I’m not doing any work this game
Only effort I’m actually putting in is bare minimum and new gamer strats

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I really dont like the Appelsini wagon

I didn’t realize making fun of Seth was something only scum could do

what im saying in that post is like u backtrack. It shows signs of uncertainty. Its not always scum motivated, but scum are known to dance around points and extend their thoughts. Seen by any of my walls as scum

I kind of want to go onto mode tbh

I wouldnt be opposed, his main thing this game is just listen to dybu which has brought 0 original content to the table

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what are you even saying

Yes, tell me that Seth isn’t acting weirdly. Please. Say it outright.

I’m saying the original lined-thru text wasn’t a backtrack, it was me saying Seth is a nerd.

Seth is always acting weird. Tell me why you think this weirdness is not Seth’s normal weirdness.