[Standard] Bastard++ - Canned

Yeah I wasn’t joking

Nah bro I thought we were memeing

That post is definitely not a joke

Why do you think I am scum?

I put lots of effort and analyzation into it

Because scoom

is now too demoralized to play
I’m going to bed.

Actually though, you keep saying you’re going to do stuff later, “I’m gonna make reads N1”, “I’ve gotta go sorry”, “hey, just stopping in to say I’m leaving”

No I’m sorry friend


Who the fuck knows what Dybu is doing honestly

for some reason they’re kinda making sense to me?


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Damn you light, you and your memes I swear.

I know, but I will have those scum pools tonight. The reason I say I am leaving is because I don’t want people to think I am lurking and then accuse me of being scum for mysteriously not being there at certain times. Most of the times I go something big happens and then I am accused of being scum or something for not voting a confirmed scum. Do you get what I mean?

Here you go, gorta! <3

You’ve had at most 3 decent posts

But yes I have seen a history of it

Over a quarter of your posts are you saying “I’ll do it later”

That is most definitely not a good look, gorta.