[Standard] Bastard++ - Canned

I know about those, but me saying I need to go isn’t a town tell or a scum tell. It’s just there and you shouldn’t read me on it. I don’t want to be scum read or town read over activity.

I’m not talking about the fact that you have a real life, I’m talking about the fact that this “later” never seems to come, gorta, and I’m worried it never will.

Could you point out the ones you think are my good posts?

please stop
this is not a valid scumtell and you know it
please stop using any sort of activity as scumtells

Sorry, five, not three.

A lack of content but an excess of activity is an entirely different thing, cloned.

This is a good idea, but a bit farfetched imo.

I want to have time to analyze crap and I feel it’s best to do it when there can be no new content that could spoil all of my hard work. The thread state can change, your scum read can become a town read and so forth and that’s why I believe it’s best to make a scum list during the night. I want everyone else to have one by d2 as well.

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your argument rn is litterally “you’re not following up on your promises”

  1. I don’t think said promises have been wronged
  2. that’s an activity scumtell and i detest it

I’m screaming at you through my screen except I’m not because it’s 1 A.M

Only somewhat. My argument is that there is not enough positive content to counteract the negative taste that the rest of the posts leave in my mouth.

Also I got PKR on an activity scumtell in my second game and that was neato


get it right

i can take this
i can’t take the former one

Do I sound like I live on the west coast?

the answer to that is no by the way

sorry what were you saying?

I get that, but you have my word that d2 I will have 3 scum pools and I hope you have some as well.

I WAS SAYING ahem eastcoastbeastcoast

That’s cool but like make some quick reads right now please

I just threw some together and huzzah, we have activity again.



I should probably stop