[Standard] Bastard++ - Canned

im on a self-given break after coding over nine thousand three thousand lines of code

Here, I can tell you why the west coast isnā€™t the best coast.

Twilight was set there. Checkmate nerd

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You know what I think about Seth and I kind of think Dybu might be right about Appel. I donā€™t think Appel is mafia, but could be SK or Cult. I donā€™t even know where Derps went. Marshal seems very scummy, but maybe thatā€™s because Marshal doesnā€™t care much about the game (?). Geyde can be slick, but I kind of trust that slot. Italy I canā€™t read, but eh I donā€™t know.

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Thereā€™s like
a gazillion movies set in the east coast
90% of which are NYC but i donā€™t care

Okay, Evil_Ginger and SDA, hit me with em. Doesnā€™t need to be full fledged. Just what do you think?

Give me a second

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Letā€™s just say that neither are better because I just remembered PJO was set in New York and the movies were shit but theyā€™re coming out with a live action series on disney+ soon and Iā€™m so fricking happy

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I saw my name

you would be correct
thoughts on the game?


Not good enough. Youā€™re on L-1, defend yourself scum.

Havenā€™t really read anything

Do it nerd

I donā€™t wanna


Nah just lazy

no scoom

No, scoom*

@Geyde that better be a beautiful wallpost bb

Also, bees donā€™t have lungs?!?!?!?!