[Standard] Bastard++ - Canned

Every time I catch up on thread I wonder
“What the fuck am I doing”

I’ll humor Mode for a day and come back to it later

oB isn’t acting like town, but I don’t think they are groupscum. It was a feeling I had when I was cross comparing town/scum game posts from them to this game
It’s not awkward and trying to fit in, nor is it genuinely interested in building from a knowledge base
Tone they have isn’t pushing a distinct agenda. I felt like their push on Mode misrepped the slot since Mode definitely did have their own opinions

See this in how they handle Mode’s slot and how their ISO as a whole doesn’t meander per se in thread

Why the hell does this actually make sense
Kill me now

Here, Geyde, I'll do you a favor. These are all of Mode's posts before I made my wallpost. I counted... half of a unique opinion.

You missed their response to my post about clearing dat
I get your point, but fuck it

So, you get my point and are ignoring it?

Derp doesn’t really have anything to go on and I feel EG is a null read/slight scum lean.

Hm okie dokie artichokie

Whatever I’m going to sleep see ya nerds also don’t take that readlist too seriously I just wanted some conversation and threw very little thought into it
like sure some of it is legitimate

Like I don’t know how I feel about EG. EG’s slot feels slightly scummy, but I don’t know how that slot plays, so I don’t feel super confident in my read on EG.

Vote Count

Accused Voters Votes
ModeShifter DatBird, an_gorta_pratai, Appelsiini, PokemonKidRyan 4/8
Appelsiini DybuDabu, ModeShifter 2/8
oB_L1ght clonedcheese, Evil_Ginger 2/8
clonedcheese Marshal 1/8
DatBird SirDerpsAlot 1/8
Italy oB_L1ght 1/8
Not Voting Italy, Geyde

EOD is at 2020-05-18T20:00:00Z

If you think Apple is Scum more then Town why do you want to vote me?
Because you “think I’m groupscum”
Alright then Einstein, who am I scum buddies with?

Be logical for a second.
In this current game state.
Literally ANYONE can be groupscum.

I think you’re predicating a case on a shitty basis

“So what”

Didn’t you say earlier that Dybu is locktown

Better question

Why did you think Dybu was locktown in the first place

All this talk about playstyle doesn’t jive with me when your main townread just happened instantly

You didn’t ISO the slot if you made this post
You had to ignore the later part of it if you got this

This is blatant misrepresentation

Lynching in Mode/oB today is great since they are both problem slots and have interacted with most of thread significantly

Also because I’m done with this shit

Saying that you should build teams to determine if x player is scum as a defense is a flawed argument unless threadstate among other factors significantly oppose it

But I’ll humor you
In your case you fit on teams with lowposters, cloned, and maybe dabu

Also not factual
This is also fearmongering