[Standard] Bastard++ - Canned

lets make this game a turbo

69 hours? No, 69 minutes!

no 20 min we must hammer within 20 mins

because my slot being lock clear is the only way this game is actually interesting

Who do we hammer


Remind me where that is

cloned probs

are you actually trying to read deeper when I post
or is it just to try to respond to it

Where are you lock…clear? What does it mean to be lock clear?

We are lynching randomly
No ifs, buts, or any other fake ass conclusion

Dyb has concluded im the lynch but cloned should be lol

Oh so what was the problem with me voting you then

  1. Read thread
  2. Read thread

I read after I pinged.

Game no start before I arrive

you must have seen my wallpost
did you read it or just ignore it

I read it. Briefly.

then when you came into thread you voted me because

God this feels good. Eevee’s smug face makes it so much better.

Because why not. We are in RVS brudda