[Standard] Bastard++ - Canned

Frick you dork

le gasp

I really donā€™t know how I feel about L1ght just throwing around their vote at this time.
Itā€™s making it confusing for me to come to any real conclusions.

Vote Count

Accused Voters Votes
clonedcheese DatBird, Marshal, Evil_Ginger 3/8
Italy an_gorta_pratai, Appelsiini, oB_L1ght 3/8
Appelsiini DybuDabu 1/8
DatBird SirDerpsAlot 1/8
Geyde ModeShifter 1/8
Marshal Geyde 1/8
oB_L1ght clonedcheese 1/8
Not Voting Italy, PokemonKidRyan

EOD is at 2020-05-18T20:00:00Z

A summary of my reads

Geyde - Donā€™t like their aggressiveness, and I see both good and bad stuff. Probably going to be null until I get more info
Dat - Seems alright, townlean for now. I like their reads and tone.
An - Also seems alright, but Geyde did have a point about the cult hunting being kinda meh. Slight townlean
oB - Most definitely not Jester unless theyā€™re playing some wild mindgames. Null.
Basically everyone else - Talk more you memers

There are still people like Mode who I havenā€™t formed an opinion of yet, but will do that later. Until then, Cloned has been too quiet for my taste and Iā€™d like to get them to talk

/vote clonedcheese

Vote Count

Accused Voters Votes
clonedcheese DatBird, Marshal, Evil_Ginger, Appelsiini 4/8
Italy an_gorta_pratai, oB_L1ght 2/8
Appelsiini DybuDabu 1/8
DatBird SirDerpsAlot 1/8
Geyde ModeShifter 1/8
Marshal Geyde 1/8
oB_L1ght clonedcheese 1/8
Not Voting Italy, PokemonKidRyan

EOD is at 2020-05-18T20:00:00Z

Youre welcome :stuck_out_tongue:


Frankly i see a lot of jester gambitsā€¦

My post stays where it is for now.


when the

1 Like

Much coherent sentnece
Thank you


Ima harp on you for eternity

/Vote Apple

If you want to live, join the great Dybu Dabuā€™s Wagon.
Heā€™s NEVER wrong.

Dybudabu mafia confirmed

Caught Scum.

Oh shit

Theyā€™re onto me quick, Cloned, help me out


Caught scum caught scum

Vote mode

did i do it right

1 Like

You herpaderp