[Standard] Bastard++ - Canned

I am actively reading and evaluating players as they speak
Dybu related content is easy and disguises people who don’t give shit about game

How does one read Derps? Cause like most games they kind just nai null city and like idk how to solve their slot.

TR me and if Im in F3 lynch me

Saturday is best day followed by Friday

like that doesnt really help me, as like ill get pocketed in f3 and lose again.

And fuck Tuesdays

All players who are not me are probably not going to post anything AI on their own given nature of game
This means you evaluate what’s going on

Association reads are worth jack because haha lets have multiball

interesting, tuesdays one of my faves, but thats because i play dnd on tuesday :man_shrugging:

marshal does not give a shit about the game

totally forgot this was a d6 like game where its all based on roll. shit

thanks for confirming what was immediately obvious during signups
how far are you willing to go to let everyone else fucking slip up


how many shits
do you give

out of 10?


I want to say I give 0 fucks, but I feel deep down I want to do good since I havent played in a bit. But that conflicts with the want to let Dybu lead town to victory as I do nothing

you made a post in signups about not caring about the game too much since it can be so variable, citing that it doesn’t matter too much

why post this

its mainly i forgot there were jesters, and to me they arent fun to see.

eh im probably just worrying to much


where did the solving go
was it even there in the first place