[Standard] Bastard++ - Signup (13/13) FULL

Plus, do you guys really want me to make a Mummy ending where everyone loses if nobody dies for three consecutive phases?


ā€œYou win if the total number of remaining mafia equals 50% of the town.ā€

Welp. Time to change the role sample.

Can the Cult Leader convert Mafia?

Can they convert neuts?

Cult Loved Jester! Cult Loved Jester!

ā€¦I mean, there is literally nothing that says someone canā€™t be converted. (As long as CL isnā€™t Weakā€¦)

Iā€™ll see how i feel in the morn but i might come out of spec to play

Also change the topic category to sign ups

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Tbh imagine:

Loved townie


2 goons.

That roll is possible.

I tell you, this is VERY bastard game.

It can be non-bastard when you expect it being bastard.

Finally done with all the schoolwork so might as well


Is this even bastard by our standards? (unless the linked setup is a red herring)

AFAIK the only bastard element are the cults.

You should name your game Non-Bastard Bastard++

Nah. It would feelā€¦ wrong if thatā€™s the case.

Its bastard cuz there is conversion

Tempted to join this, but Iā€™d rather not play too many games at the same time because I would like to focus. Since Insurgency begins as soon as it fillsā€¦ not sure.

/backup, though.

sfm? more like standard fm with these role names amirite?
i thought this was a proper bastard game and then got dissapointed

I mean, setup is named Bastard++, as the setup existed long before this site was created.

It has jesters, cults, lynchers, all this are considered bastard on all normal sites.
Sorry that we are not normal.