I’m pushing Tig’s execution
or attempting to


Oh shit

oh right cloned asked what neo is not you

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Also… “Are you playing the game”
Has the 8th most posts, meaning literally mid of the list

Like, sup Marl? You doing good?


I disagree with Tiga’s execution for now as I have a decent Townlean on them.

However, I do believe that if they don’t produce enough valid content and actions, I am willing to put them in PoE as such.

Case on Marl:
1. Unreasonable reads

As explained in my post where I addressed this, there is simply no reason for this…
Litterally every read they have is like this, was the first one I could find
Ill come back with the other ones
2. Pocketing

extremely bad VT claim

3. Hegding

Then immediately jumps to

leading a vote that becomes the top wagon, yet not taking responsibility for it

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I also can’t help but notice tig was posting earlier and is now frozen


Oh wait you do have a point here he does seem frozen now that I think about it

Yes i realize this likely leads to my death but this is the way


i was considering selfvoting and just letting myself go over when i made this post

i’m glad i didn’t

I don’t thing Tilgarial is a wolf from earlier in D1.
But perhaps the 60 posts will change things a lot.

I’m just going to say pre- these posts, Til is a town read.
About a 7/8 on the PKR scale

Naw, I’m just fairly curious about something.
But i can’t exactly say it out loud, ir it wouldn’t be very effective
But the general feel if it is that I’m grateful to you, so thanks

What qualifies a hammer here?

8 votes

Being the final vote on a wagon and forcing it to hit majority.
Or being the last vote on the highest wagon?

I would guess

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actually pissing people off to get their reaction is sometimes very effective, its not nice, but its funny and effective


fair enough

the first one only I believe

but @EVO why ask
or was the question just about the number required

Some games have different voting rules, making sure I wasn’t going to hammer if I voted lol