Awwee look at all you taking day 1 so sewious

/Vote NoExe



then that’s not disagreeing with the read it’s agreeing for different reasons dork



Why vote no exe?

Why not?

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Honestly I’d prefer to see what the NK tells us over day 1 wagonomics. Pain in the ass

Scumreads are tied between:
aelin. Her reaction to being voted by marly, as stated above, seemed quite nervous.
GonZ. His willingness to continue a joke that, for me, existed mainly to get me some sus after his death last game, couoled with his self-vote and his seemingly threatening reaction to being suspected (in that random RNG thingy from whoever that was) didn’t seem particularly town to me.
As a smaller hanger-on is eli, mainly for his behaviour, but it’s currently not at the top of my sus-list.

As for townreads, that’d mainly be eevee and PKR for their interaction there in the beginning. That was threatening to make them the top focus of the day phase, and in my experience that’s generally not what mafia wants, regardless of which side they are on there (lynched/lyncher)

And I assume you attribute Aelin’s nervousness to more likely be scum panick rather than town fearing themselves being executed?

the kind of panik that happens when you realize you overextend your activity on day 1 and it backfires :smirk:

While both is possible, and both is a thing, it’s generally the intensity that makes the difference in wether it’s seen as one pr the other.
In this case, it did seem more than a town reaction

Either way, Light is acting pretty different considering the pronoun thing and feminization of text, so meta reads are :clown_face:

So you think it’s a towny reaction? Or was that was a typo?

Meta has never worked on Light pretty sure from what I’ve seen.

Meta reading tone usually helps

If I meta read at all, it’s for tone lol

town is low nervous, mafia is more nervous
More than → more nervosity than i would expect from a town. While that isn’t necessarily alignment indicative, it’s enough for a D1 read for me, considering the lack of anything concrete


I think scumLight can fake a really easy towntone.

Faking towntone isn’t too hard for most people to be honest.

I think their actions and votes would give a better idea of their alignment rather than tone.

Yah, there could be quite a few reasons for that nervousness, to be fair. It could be totally game unrelated, or only a thing in my perception
But eh

Hmm I have my doubts on this :thinking: consistency is hard to perform unnaturally

So you felt a higher intensity in the general from the reaction therefore you read them as scum?