I’m gonna go back to studying for a while, but ping me with questions and I’ll get to them


attempt two, i guess…

also i totally forgot about daylight savings, my clocks changed themselves but that explains why i felt like i was robbed of sleep this morning

Responding to pings:

The notion that you feel the need to defend yourself that extensively is the problem here
Wouldnt have changed id you had made the post now

Read above
If you had truly believed in the read and voted marl as town, your paragraphs would’ve been a paragraph, singular
You would have convictions about it voting as town, and that wouldnt change dramatically overnight unless you went back and ISO’d them and basically repented
But what you did there was explain your thought process so extensively it feels like “please dont think ik scum that wasnt an intentional ML i swear”

Im clueless about this lol

I dont think revealing even this is helpful in anyway
Will come back to read this in context after my hiking trip, determine exactly how scummy this is

Didnt notice before
Ive made it clear myself and you yourself are making good evaluations that i dont have a good picture of marl
Yet you take this as an opportunity to shade me
+1 scumminess

Going back to read now unless ppl have questions

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Maybe it was 1am for me and i really had to go to sleep :stuck_out_tongue:

This is kinda where I am at without taking my redcheck into consideration.



Yeah but offers no context to outside viewers. Not publicly building a case against intensify so it probably looks random

I said it made you look towny, not scummy lol
guess I must’ve worded that really badly because you’re the second person to think I was shading you on that. I was saying your reasons were more likely to come from uninformed town.

im always in the fuckin middle


This probably
“If” strongly implies there’s another world where scum!cheese did it on purpose

doesnt look that random when you consider that Marl SR’d Intensify and Min was at least questioning some of Intensify’s posts
maybe a bit random that he seems to be your only solid scum read but amidst the stuff between PKR and lol today, I was actually considering voting him because I noticed he was the first to vote you today. not that it’s indicative of scum but there’s something I don’t like about it that I haven’t been able to explain.

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whoops, that wasn’t intentional, then.

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I had an impending wagon hanging over my head so I built my defense overnight while also using it as an opportunity to worldbuild and case people based on their activity concerning Marl and my read on him.

I see this is as scummy
trying to decide whether it actually is

did you not see where lol said if Marl flipped town he’d push me today
that’s very specifically what I was trying to avoid in advance

what I do find kind of weird is that not many people are pushing me today
and I’m not sure what to make of it, but ironically you look less scummy for it, too

why are you that worried about it is my question

Hey @Tilgarial , why do i feel you’re mafia? You’re not right? :pleading_face:

People who i dont mind getting voted:
@cdecora (your D1 no exe had some meaning behind it so i let it slide, but this is D2.)

Ppl i have mixed read of:

Null read:

Wallpost attempt two. hopefully this doesn’t get deleted.
Okay, so, starting it off, Marl… really didn’t do a good job of making himself townie, so I really can’t blame anyone for being on him, I just had the benefit of personal interaction with him to give me enough doubt.

Intensify starts off with a pretty ‘meh’ vote after a bad vote the day prior that ended in a ml.

This is fair. Just going by the numbers, there are probably 3-4 wolves, and I really can’t imagine that there’s more than a single wolf on the EVO wagon regardless of their alignment. So, that leaves at least 2 or 3 elsewhere, and if we’re trying to narrow it down, looking at the no-voters the only one whose been actively scummy to me is PKR, although cdecora is absolutely null to me. Still tr’ing Eevee, even if he’s getting slightly annoying.
For simplicities sake, I’m going to say there’s probably ~2 wolves on the Marl wagon, and we can obviously discard min and Marl, so, just looking at the votes…
WindwardAway - Obvious progression throughout the entire day. Whether or not it was correct is another story, but the vote itself makes sense.
clonedcheese - At first I didn’t remember too much progression, but it actually does exist upon looking back (this is where the ISO failed me last time and deleted my wallpost so shoot myself). Vote is, once again, logical for where it is.
lol - As soon as I think about this, all I can think about is the like… seven people pointing out that it looked like they were trying to chainsaw Marl/Wind who are two extremely strong players in their own rights. Even more than that, they were on the wagon because they were sheeping Wind, removing literally any blame from themselves.
EVO - Self-pres, NAI.
Intensify - Stated he didn’t have a read on either, and that despite two of his townleans were on EVO’s wagon, Wind and Cloned had a stronger case which he agreed with. On the vote, he basically told Marl to try and convince him which isn’t terrible, but it was very obvious that Marl wasn’t going to do a lot of convincing.
EliThePsycho - Voted Marl on the basis that wagons were tied, which is meh… a couple hundred messages prior he was telling people to sheep him on EVO, though, and instead of trying to convince more people he just decided he didn’t want tied wagons about 20 minutes before EoD instead of waiting.

So, just in these votes, if I had to do anything I’d probably put these guys in




That’s fair.

I don’t even remember gorta this game, which makes me slightly upset.

Other than his hiccup with the read on me he’s been alright, if a bit quiet imo

GonZ is the only one I’d say I really don’t like, especially since their vote felt like they really just did not care. If I had to place my vote on an EVO voter, it’d be this one, although I’d rather go for a Marl voter.

That’s fair. It’s just slightly upsetting since, yeah, of course my tone is off. This is my first game after coming out and although I really don’t enjoy talking about it, it’s helped with my depression… a lot. So everyone’s so surprised that I don’t sound dead inside and it kinda just… hurts, a bit? Like, I’m not saying it’s invalid reasoning, I’m just asking everyone to maybe look at it with that context?

Not much to say about the PKR situation, although I understand that he can get very busy. It’s important to note that Eevee usually sees D1 as a waste of time, especially if there’s no lynch, although that wasn’t the case here. I’d rather just judge them based off of their content instead. although i really dont want to have to look through that goddamn iso again…

That’s good, and I’m glad you’re not just quitting.

Mm, that’s fair. My idea was that lol might be a weaker wolf trying to get some strong townies out, because if you get 2 mls in a row, that’s up to five town deaths just to kill you. No matter what the town:scum ratio is, that’s a pretty net positive for scum.


Okay, so… here’s the thing. Your tone is so blantantly obvious when personally interacting with you as scum that if you’re scum here I think I’ll cry. Like, looking at Umineko, it was so easy to point out your TMI that I was literally able to call out your role.

Me as well? I was actually kinda expecting to get attacked, if not you.
brain is kinda getting foggy and this is my second time reading this so ill stop

PKR, I am going to bonk you
if you’re town, right now, you need to focus on showing it. I’m still waiting for the wagon analysis, but if I missed it feel free to ping me with it.

Basically, nobody knows why min was killed. Brill. :confused:

They rescinded that on me a while before, though?

you can’t really tell me i tried to kill Marl, though. Like I understand that I pushed on them a bit early in the day, but by the end I thought I made my stance decently clear?
And with min, like I just said, just… no?

Pfft. I will admit, I’m not above grudge-killing, considering I sometimes go for the most annoying players or toxic ones rather than optimal kills.

I mean, even before that I had stated that there was a decent chance that Marl was possibly just getting tunneled and that was enough to give me pause

Not really sure why there are redacted stuff
I’m also not really sure what he means by “activity would match a Scum investigator”, but this is why I’m willing to trust his claim of PR because the paranoia lines up pretty well logically speaking
I’d like some more thoughts on PKR, lol, intensify, and gonz
it seems nobody has a fricking read on cdecora though, which… makes me worried.


for this post
i’d like to see more direct conclusions
… and now im seeing that you made them
ignore me
or dont

eli stated they were going to dissect winds wallpost a bit and then posted like
“duh, hedge, hedge” and that they’d do more tomorrow which is making me go :upside_down_face:
reading intensify’s wallpost is hurting my head but ill try and remember to go back to it later

lol feels like they’re jumping around in a way that I don’t really understand? It’s possible that it’s because there was a bunch of backlash on their post yesterday but shrug

i felt like he did
but lol!PR claim
either way I think we’ll have a pretty good read on him by tonight

this feels weird
“it’s not my fault, but wind saying its not her fault is bad”
despite the fact that most of winds wallpost was pretty good and the fact that she was still taking responsibility for it

this is kinda weird but i will keep it in mind
do you think these four have any real cohesion together, and that pkr/eevee was just theater d1?

Thanks :blue_heart:

blue heart rescinded cries

PKR/lol overall feels weird
but kinda in an… ego way, I guess?
is pkr softing
going out for lunch with my dad so this gets paused for now