It was based until Seth decided I was a SK Cleaning Doc… somehow…


thank you seth
very cool

I mean the don’t town read me for not existing part

No Exe!!
Bait: Ask me again after D3, if I last until then.

So you’re of the 3 wolves group?

o.o I thought sheeps were rather rare on here. And then with sweeping… I can related if someone made an in-depth persuasive piece… But “100% correct reads” in this original case sounds scammy.


i hope its cdecora that was my 5th guess

+1 on overreaction. Don’t think it’s scummy enough to scumlean though.
Don’t know. For a day 2, I probably wouldn’t start defending until 3 votes or so. Or if I was floating around during a tie situation but didn’t move.
TLDR, just +1 on the extended explanation was a bit much.

I’m obviously campaigning for ‘no exe’. To my knowledge… D1 meaning is the same as D2 meaning… So… o.o
Bait: You can wait until…D4. There’s really no con.

@everyone Vote No Exe! <.< Is that actually an account, feel bad.

:thinking: There was another part I wanted to quote, not really game-relevant though but…
pat pat pat Glad you’re feeling better. Just do whatever feels natural and would help you be ‘happy’. What we/everyone thinks doesn’t really matter, we’ll get used to it.

And then, regarding me, worry over me two more days? :wink:
Vote No Exe!

@GonZ Wanted to quote your vote post but it disappeared.
My response: Interesting.

munches popcorn I bet GonZ! Not because I think they’re particularly sus for content reasons but because they voted me! Irony to flavor my popcorn.

o.O Evo suddenly became very… persuaded(?) of the fact that (1) there’s a neutral and (2) he might have caught a neutral?
Is this a thought process I should learn and apply to future games if I rand cop? Under closed set-up?

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well he said his result either goes ‘‘town’’ or ‘‘not town’’ and not ‘‘town’’ or ‘‘mafia’’ so it makes sense to think that

Ah. I see it. Missed it.

I see… this is useful. Thanks~

I infer disassociation from your D1 no exe. Which in a new place, new people doesn necessarily mean wolf… ?
I need a second opinion on this…

To make it clear:
This is My D1 thoughts on decora.
D2 thoughts are “decora is shady.”
So i’m revisiting my D1 thoughts and see if my logic was wrong.

I’m not a wolf but I would’ve been in the potential rand pool if all 3 wolves were outside of the D1 wagons (i.e. if EVO isn’t a wolf)

it’s now gone down from “100% read rate” to “high accuracy” lol

eh, I don’t expect people to townread me for putting my thoughts out at the start of the day. Just to know that they’re there. I think I overexplain things a lot in all my games, though, and I think my high self-awareness has gotten pointed out in my town games but funnily enough not in my scum games so it’s like… NAI for me. I’ll leave it up to you to figure that out for yourself.

Do you usually just prefer to wait until later for voting people out? Is that something common on NUF, or just a personal preference? Trying to figure out your train of thought on why you don’t want to pursue any reads you’ve formed thus far.

I don’t think he became very convinced there’s a neutral; it’s WIFOM and it’s also giving whoever the redcheck is on to claim. Whether or not he becomes convinced there’s a neutral depends on what the redchecked player claims, I think.

this was worded weirdly
I’m not a wolf, full stop.
If the votes had randed, I would have been in the potential rand pool.
If EVO is not a wolf, all 3 of the wolves would also have been in the potential rand pool.

Sorry I got 3 hours of sleep and my brain is fried, but I’ve got a long day ahead of me : (

Sleep well~
And dream of wolves and sheep in your dreams~ :smile:

lol the day’s just started for me, it’s still morning

thinks how to answer
Hm… in some games multilynch is a thing, yes?
We’ve had a 4-way lynch before due to the prevalent bloodthrist, or so it goes
No exe is a very rare thing around those parts, which makes me just the more confused why decora is behaving like this

huh, interesting. thanks, I’ll keep that in mind.

And… the general atmosphere here feels like everybody’s holding their breath waiting to see where the redcheck falls.
Especually the 4 (?) Mentioned, come out and talk about it if ya are town!

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Okay, so lemme give you a bit of a push:
Mentioned was:

So, the only one put of those I townlean is decora, due to behaviour. But due to the no exe it’s a fairly small townlean at most.
I could imagine decora being a neutral that has some special requirements/activities with executions… that would make sense in that regard why the no exe is kept being voted

As for the other three… i wouldn’t be surprised about a yellow (?) Check on any.
I’m not sure if that’s making it believeable or not