It’s midnight for me and I’m just hitting the gym vibing, usually get some good intuition afterwards so I’ll do some poking around later

i placed my vote to tie the votes once i saw gort put it at 3-4

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this should be a separate thread so people don’t have to go 3600 posts deep to learn something


lol what a liar

/vote eevee @Zone_Q11

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@an_gorta_pratai hop on eevee best buddy

is there a way to search for a specific word in thread and have it filter anything with the word in it

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and not cut off early

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Well, I do notice things

no, not until I personally take a look at eevee first

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which will be sometime in the morning

Running on 3 hours of sleep let’s go :crazy_face:


the fuck back to sleep

sleep is for the strong

nah i have work to get done today
coding on low sleep isn’t any worse than coding while drunk tbh

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I actively asked eevee some questions to get a read on them, and they just… made sure I didn’t get one, or something?
I would have called that sus, but it’s just too obvious
I questioned myself wether or not that’s a double play, as in, being so obviously sus that it just can’t be, but that way lies madness

So if ya’ll really want to lynch/try to lynch eevee today, sure, go ahead and try to make a case.

Otherwise, considering that regardless of alignment, there isn’t much info to be had from lynching them, I’ll push that decision off to whoever lives long enough to simply need to consider it and put my focus on others for now

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I’ll spend some time for now either looking at the votes from D1/D2 or trying to get a full readlist together, not quite sure yet.
Still hoping to get both done before EOD, but i might not have the time today

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I wrote a hell of a lot when I was supposed to be trying to sleep
but gonna withhold it till a bit later and post it when I have time for discussion after I finish thesis work for the day


Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
eevee EVO, lol 2/6
GonZ Intensify, PokemonKidRyan 2/6
cdecora EliThePsycho 1/6
EVO GonZ 1/6
lol Tilgarial 1/6
[No exe] cdecora, eevee 2/6
[Not Voting] an_gorta_pratai, WindwardAway 2

EOD3 is at 2021-04-01T19:50:00Z.

I had to be vague or else my ability would be truly useless…

Also i’m on 3659. Anything i should note down on the latest post? I’m on the road rn and wont be able to read properly till 4ish hour from now.

Summary: Votehistory D1:last 300 posts

Vote-state roughly 300 posts before EOD (I wanted to make it 3 hours, but alas, it doesn’t show that anymore, only days. Orz)

Voteprogression with a focus on top wagons:
Tilgarial changes votes from Marl to EVO, making it 3/5
Lol votes Marl, making it 4/5
EVO votes marl, making it 5/5
Intensify votes intesify, topwagons at 5/5
Gorta votes EVO, making it 5/6
Intensify votes marl, making it 6/6
Eli changes votes from EVO to marl, making it 5/7

Marl selfhammers

Ps: I’m currently gathering the vote history in one place for easier access, might as well share

Pps: I hope this does what i think it does, namely link the posts


I think you started by writing the vote counts as Marl/EVO but then switched to EVO/Marl somewhere?

well I guess Intensify wasn’t opposed to having tied wagons lol