Vote me today, tomorrow, the next day.

No matter what and when, I do not flip mafia.
You cannot hope enough to make my role just change Intensify.

Ok cool.

Thank you for the inspirational speech?

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If I can’t convince everyone to vote you here then weh.

I have no choice I guess.

my gut is screaming at me that even if you’re town this could still set us up for failure, but on the other hand I don’t have any better ideas at this point.
so I’ll say sure, and I’ll also reconsider tomorrow.


/vote Tilga

I hope your read on Tilga is super confident

it’s not super confident. I’d only have a super confident read at this point if I were wolfing, and I’m kind of unfortunately not.

what, did you think i was going to say that was a joke?

a number of people did


I’m pretty sure I’m the only one who’s still alive and believed your claim
if you really weren’t serious I’d look like an idiot, so I suppose now would have been the time to reveal that.

but I guess that means I’ll roll with the assumption that you’re ninja sleepwalker and see what I get out of it.

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believed as in
believed it wasn’t a joke?

yeah I took your claim seriously because I thought it would be an incredibly weird thing to make up


something’s weird with this game and I actually think there’s more to go off by analyzing eliminations and night kills than I’ve been considering.
anyway, I don’t want to try to solve the game singlehandedly. Town needs to make a team effort and be a bit more coordinated, since the wolves are obviously coordinated and the town’s just been chaotic for days.
Work together and we solve it while we still have the majority.

my reads have been spot on this game so far (for the most part), but we need to be more organized at the EoD

wish I could say the same, but I was wrong about Marl and I got pocketed at the last minute by Aelin.

I’m gonna operate under the assumption there’s two scum left and no more neuts.

starting: 5v2
town yeet > 4v2
wolf yeet > 5v1

D5 town yeet:
starting: 3v2 (LyLo)
town yeet > 2v2 (wolves win)
wolf yeet > 3v1

D5 town yeet, D6 wolf yeet:
starting: 2v1 (LyLo)

game ends for sure on D7, if not before.

crap I missed a scenario

GTH who are the wolves right now?

Tilgarial and PKR

it’s an idea I was playing with yesterday but briefly scrapped it when I saw that lol died overnight