The fact that PKR and Eevee both made it onto Tilg’s “do not yeet” list stands out

NO townreads at all even after 1700 posts, for any reason except the two people having a semantics argument?


Why did he switch off me to marl btw?

It’s easy to look uncertain as scum

sheeping wind’s read

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I don’t get this tbh…

How does EVO flipping town clear like 4 of them here?

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they haven’t voiced an independent scumread on me yet

and yet windward is in their “Would yeet” list

it makes no sense

Someone needs to explain

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you want me to explain why every bolded person in tig’s “would yeet” list is town if evo is?


Yeah I think there is more wifom than that

I am aware.

But I like it so far as of now and considering I don’t have much info on them in general, being outsiders from NUF, it seems towny to me.

There’s a fair few in the middle that’d end up on the sus list rather easily if they don’t show any town behaviour before EOD or in D2, if you wanna include that.
Otherwise, ya can also ask for reasoning, which on most of those i already gave, i think

/Unvote @Zone_Q11

I have a strong mechanical townread on eli from his claim when VT aren’t known in the setup. The exception is if he’s scum and scum have a role like neopolitan.

Windward’s push on me and posts this game have been genuinely solvey. You can’t mimic her paranoia that easily as scum. If she were scum her pocketing me and riding my mislynch train until endgame is just a free win for her. This is an unnecessary risk.

I know i’m town.

And i paraphrased my sentiment with “If evo is town” because i’m not certain on evo yet still. But if he is town, every bolded name in that list is town which means gonz is also probably town from his interactions. A full Village “Would yeet” list is not easy to accomplish without tmi

Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
Marluxion WindwardAway, clonedcheese, min, Tilgarial 4/8
EVO Aelin, GonZ, EliThePsycho 3/8
Aelin Intensify 1/8
eevee lol 1/8
Tilgarial Marluxion 1/8
[No Exe] cdecora 1/8
[Not Voting] an_gorta_pratai, PokemonKidRyan, eevee, EVO 4

EOD1 is at 2021-03-26T21:00:00Z.

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Didnt Eli literally say it was a joke?

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Evo if you are town I think every person in Tig’s would yeet list is town

If they added one scum to it, it’d be gonz but if tig is scum i dont think gonz is due to how they’ve interacted in thread. Gonz has pinged til like 4 times in their like 30 posts

did he?

@clonedcheese @WindwardAway what’s the rundown of the case against marl?