i mean, you could’ve just sheeped my reads but noooo ignore Aelin ):

the purple town text really got me though


If PKR Votes anyone but Evo after I’ve made a big deal about gambling my right to exist on evo flipping mafia, PKR is mafia

PKR as town wouldn’t disrespect the sanctity of the gamble

Anyway, enough about Umineko. I really don’t understand what EVO is doing here.

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Hnnng gotta get some packing done but my laptop will still be on and i can check for pings


tell me i’m wrong

you can’t

Your last few moves really don’t sit well with me…

You need to believe in me

Day 1 wagons go brrr brrr

Might as well roll the dice while we’re at it.

Marl dug himself into a hole with shaky flip floppy reads already, gorta just now showed up and popped a vote, eevee has been MIA since the argument. Honestly I have nothing to add other than Marl has drove themselves into a lynch corner and wants me out to self pres lol

I’m reaaallly regreting telling my sus on evo to you right now…
I should have waited for other people to be online… >_>


Do you believe Marl is really scum?

I’m not convinced yet, but he is definitely PoE

On one hand his logic is wack

On the other, his eccentricity is towny


/vote Marl

Can you convince us to not execute you today?

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Still talking to me?


Can you tell me why you tied the vote again?

Might as well.

I can unvote any time.

I’m just giving EVO some hope as of now.

If he doesn’t convince me, I’ll unvote and put him as top wagon again

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