Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
EVO Aelin, GonZ, EliThePsycho, Marluxion, Tilgarial, an_gorta_pratai 6/8
Marluxion WindwardAway, clonedcheese, min, lol, EVO, Intensify 6/8
[No Exe] cdecora 1/8
[Not Voting] PokemonKidRyan, eevee 2

EOD1 is at 2021-03-26T21:00:00Z.

Nothing you’ve said here is wrong but none of this makes you town

I mean, there are people here who clearly are biased against me because of being offended at my outburst, and people who’s best interest is to vote me instead of marl if he is indeed wolf. So idk if I can but either way if scum makes too many moves rn we will tear them from their roots later

So you give up?

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No, I am still interested in the game. I just don’t like having to vote Marl just for self pres.

I mean, you’re not wrong
But it’s not like you’ve been doing literally anything to change our minds

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Ok I mean you have 30 minutes.

Technically it’s possible to CFD.

Though you gotta make it quick and convincing.

I’m 100% willing to listen to you despite you being Null to Nullscum on my readlist.

I will not unvote unless i’m guaranteed to not die

If i’m given the option to put a wagon above evo’s i will take it

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Tbh we have two people voting each other to save their own asses


Well EVO. See? Even your counterwagon is willing to help you.

Build us a case quickly or something.

dont meh this situation
you created this :angry:

nah it was u
being scummy

yeah but lol lowposter

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ngl read that as “imposter”

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my gut didn’t say he was scum from his postcount
and my gut didn’t say he was scum from his outburst

i’ve been clear why he pinged me from the start

Has cdecora talked yet?


not an option today