As far as I can tell, he’s talking about the situation where EVO and marl were tied goin’ up to EOD and that EVO didn’t do any soft claim.

why would you soft claim?

Slayer’s gambit is not necessarly a plain RT.

It comes from the fact that it’s easier to read people pushing you, than pushing someone else (due to you knowing own aligment).

So in this case they created pressure on 4 people and then created a thunderome situation to create more confrontational enviroment, which is meant to involve themself as one of the sides, to get easier opinion of people interfering with it.

Good enough idea, meh execution.


a few equals a hundred or so

Not me, EVO.
I mean… of you’re a cop/PR and you’re lined up to be the D1 lynch, some people would softclaim to prevent a PR lynch D1?
Is my understanding, anyways

For some reason this seems to be the leading narrative
There’s nothing towny about a person trying to out me on their deathbed, especially since they said themselves that they townleaned me - there was no reason for scumreading me other than the claimed check itself. If the check isn’t real, why would they want to reveal me and risk me dying?

EVO cannot be town here.

you should only soft claim if you are vt
if you softclaim you gain none of the benefits and all of the negatives
you hard claim or don’t claim in hopes you don’t get lynched

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Like this is pretty clearly rigged
everyone went from trusting EVO and voting me to L-2 to defending them as just being stupid

This is first thing I can agree on which comes from you.

But that’s not a leading mentality when it comes to FM

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So you’re saying he’s possibly town?

I thought the reason for scumreading you was cause of Marl’s legacy reads

still don’t understand the hostility

tone it down

Honestly, yeah, there’s nothing towny about trying to out a town PR, but not only EVO but also PKR tried to get you to out yourself.

There’s room for error and for dumb plays from town tbh, and I guess if EVO and PKR really are both town they kind of fucked up the RT, but it’s not impossible.

Im just trying to figure out if all three of you are town or not because of the way this went.


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Tbh, I’m not so sure that EVO would’ve been the lynch without this mess. Do remember that there was a whole different mess between PKR and lol when EVO decided to start this whole thing, if I remember correctly.
That’s probably the main doubt point in there


I understand PKR
Don’t like it, but he’s town
EVO is not

Oh that’s fair…

I still don’t get why EVO didn’t do the RT on me tho…

You started it day 1, you know it, right?

you could say evo is protecting me or pkr here

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The thing with EVO is that I’ve been trying to determine the whole day so far if he’s been trying to pocket me or to legit get my opinion on things