To be more exact @lol you were attacking person, not a play.

And then failed to justify it.

it’s not even name calling,i was trying to say it felt unnatural

but the thread went into confusion mode so i just left

If EVO and lol turn out to be mafia then the day will be day 4 or day 5

I was gonna say that would be LyLo but you’re right, not if we yeet two scum before that point in time
I think your tinfoil is acceptable on me, although it’s wrong

1 Like

Oh that.

I mean ok?

Not sure what type of RT that is

right after being away for most of the dayphase, you walk into thread and start agressively saying that people are gamethrowing

if you felt name called and i’m sorry for that , it’s just karma since you were doing the same thing

I asked you 3 times before going after you to exlpain why.

Instead you voted and said it doesn’t need any explanation, despite everyone in thread saying it was not hostile.

If you attack person, everyone tells you that it doesn’t add up and then you refuse to explain it further… and just say you were right all along, what do you think happens?

  1. You make yourself an enemy due to attacking person (not theirs play) and failing to justify it.
  2. You lose own thread position
  3. Noone is gonna follow it, as they just don’t understand it.

Lol, you hurt yourself with this attack on me.
And I’m not gonna be nice to you when you tried to insult and attack me as a person.

Okay, give me one place where I started attackiong PERSON and not theirs play.

when did i attack person?

Well, let’s start with place where it started, day 1.

When you said I’m being agressive and creating chaos, but failed to show where it happened to begin with.
Same situation here. You said I was name calling people, I asked where.
And… instead you deflected the question, instead of providing examples and/or reasoning.

so, not name calling?

i quoted the post after after admitting i quoted the wrong post but you just disagreed and it was left at that

Like seriously, you failed at explaining it day 1 and you fail at explaining it again right now.

You state stuff.
Everyone can do this.

I can say “PKR is scum”, “Windward no actioned last night”, whatever else.
But… does it mean anything if I cannot justify it or at least explain why I feel that’s true/ give examples?

i explained it, but you disagreed, that’s all there is to it
i quoted the post that was in question but you didn’t even think about perspective and just went ‘‘how am i agressive, im not agressive’’ and went on a rant lol

a sentence such as ‘‘this feels hostile’’ should not need further explanation, it’s self explanatory

me saying that a post felt hostile is much less insulting than you saying that people are gamethrowing , telling a person who was pushed all day that self hammer 10 minutes before day is gamethrowmultiple times and then saying that they are ignoring me on purpose, right into my face


/vote evo @Zone_Q11

Why does this argument feel pointless again


Yeah, quoting is not explaining if noone except you can understand your PoV.

it is

and thats why i was suprised and left, it shouldn’t need explaining

anyway evo is the easy lynch here don’t claim redcheck on anyone its the dumbest shit ever