I’ve been wanting that all of day 2, especially from my “redacted” note on him earlier, but he just doesn’t care lol

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It’s time for me to like
Snap my spine like a glow stick

Jesus that’s a lot of pings.

Also did EVO post the same wallpost twice or is it just me?

My entire body hurts

Like ten posts away from each other

Agh I feel lightheaded now
Why brain weird


Alright now I have to respond to another wallpost.

Before I begin, perhaps I’m blind but why are people saying my reaction sucks.

i think he tried to quote it and the quotes broke so RIP

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That’s… wierd…

If you ever have broken quotes, just put [/quote] or something at the end to fix it.

I tried doing that when drafting one of my wallposts and it further broke my quotes lol

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go sleep

Now someone explain the votes on me.

I don’t think EVO fully explained it in the wallpost unless I’m blind

That’s… kind of questionable to me too tbh.

You were one of my townreads because i could follow your thoughtprocesses while scumhunting/analyzing things too, so I’d actually like to not have you lynched

There were some bigger parts sussing you tho?

im here but on mobile so feeling wonky


Now you feel my pain.


so intensify from what i can tell people aren’t a big fan of your voting pattern today

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One day i too, shall find out what this stie looks like on computer
But that day is far, far off and behind a mountain of laziness and differing systems

Well, shrug.

If they think it’s opportunistic then weh.

It’s a redcheck from a scumlean semi-backed up by another scumlean.

It looked legit atleast for a while and I decided to follow it.

Sure some might go “oh but Intensify it’s from scumleans”, yeah and so you want me to deathtunnel them or something for having mech?

@EVO what are your thoughts on lol’s slot?