I think I’m running on the high probability another town would be saved in most of the scenarios…?

Side question: Did Eli really claim something back there? Can’t really read his humor.

yes i did

I mean…

That’s up to you to decide if you think ninja sleepwalker would be an actual role

What did you claim? May as well ask directly.
That is, specifically, what happens with your role? o.o These names… Are rather confusing.

ninja sleepwalker
my visits are hidden
i visit somebody random every night, and i don’t know who

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so basically a neopolitian miller cuz not technically VT


Ah, I see. ‘Miller’ given you would show up as Vanilla though… You’re technically not?
… o.O As in that miller?

… But we still don’t have a tracker? O.o still confused Mechanics are not my forte.

I think Eli is joking


=.= The slightest difference is the most important difference. You’re a lot weaker.

And… I’m caught up.

I think Aelin disagreed with lol’s idea of randing and thus decided to bus.

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I have little experience with non-FoL or ToS-adjacent role jargon, but I think mech talk in general is only going to hold us back

Also I heavily agree with Eevee’s post about psychological evaluation being undervalued

I actually think vanilla cop is better because instead of my “Non-VT” results I can get “Non-Vanilla”

Which means I don’t need to worry about having a mafia goon f things up

Wasn’t it the other way around?


No clue. Got no sleep.
And things can be interpreted as good and bad.

Good: When I get a non-vanilla result, it cannot include maf goon
Bad: When I get a vanilla result it may be a goon, so it’s not an outright clear

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it isn’t

psychological approach only applies when you mix it with reads and meta but people just go ‘‘psychology doesn’t match what i think would happen’’ and people mislynch

i’ve been a target of psychology before it hurts

cloned wasn’t he just got dunked on by pkr and evo

Cloned was investigated by me and I got “Non-Vanilla”

EVO fake copped Cloned and said the result was Non Town

I don’t exactly think Cloned was dunked on. But it was a precarious position

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