Where did you get that part from?

Which part?



Pretty much every part of that opinion?

EoD is soon and I only have 30 min before I need to leave my final vote

Then don’t use the word ‘part’ if you mean ‘whole’

SoD timer says tommorow.

I thought it ends today as well, but apparently it doesn’t.

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So far I’m fortunately on a wagon at least so all’s good

the day ends in an hour? it ends in another 24 hours after that. SoD was yesterday irl.

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Wait what oh shit sorry everyone

do you not read

lol no worries
i would’ve placed a vote by now if I thought it was EoD
got worried for a moment i lost track of time but good to know it wasn’t me

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Well you summoned people so it’s not exactly a bad thing


I mean, I can understand your opinion.
It’s again something which was promoted by stuff like Mafia Championships or MU-like meta in general etc.

But it’s plain wrong.

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I’m willing to listen for the reasoning as to why

So I’m curious where you learnt stuff like this.

Part, whole, either way, thing which interests me where the hell you learnt that stuff?

Probably not all from one source, so which part are you referring to?

Okay, different aproach then.

Stuff like this.
A lot of your posts are coming from some “basic facts which everyone should know”.
Or at least that’s how it seems, considering you never extend on this facts.

So extend now and… justify them.

Can someone else do it for me, I’m off lunch and hiding in a meat cooler rn lmao

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