You’ve missed so many things

it does he’s been asking for it the entire game

either that or he’s a massive troll which i would honestly love

I have reasons to believe Eevee is correct about voting no yeet, and I arrived at that conclusion a while ago.
doesn’t mean i*m right about cdecora’s ability or that it will be as useful as i think it is
but we’re heading for a town yeet otherwise and I think if we don’t want to lose two town before tomorrow, we vote no exe and lose one town tonight.

Prepares PKR’s Policy Lynch List in advance

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i would both laugh and cry

I thought he said that his reason for no-lynching was because he didn’t want to lynch someone that wasn’t scum and he thought we were rando-lynching or some crap

it’s a good thing im extremely towny in every game i play in

nope, cdecora explicitly asked that we put faith in them for today and vote no exe just this once

Ok but what if he just dies to nightkill

If yall want to vote no execute, then so be it.
Vote it and if it wins, GJ to yall I guess.

But my heart is fucking aching just thinking about it.
I refuse to vote it myself.

I’m but 1 vote.

he also later hinted that he had a role that would benefit town if they no lynched

Yes @EVO

I’m full of myself.

I’m also mafia player in professional club, who was ranked in top 30 in the world before pandemy started.
Name one person who is more allowed to be self-confident in this game.

He never explicitly said, but he was wavering between that and claiming some sort of PR for it.

He said it would clear someone which I assumed was a cop sort of ability

that’s what i’m expecting tbh

pkr gets to go off i guess

they could
but I think there’s a nonzero chance they survive
if they survive and their info is weird and we doubt it, sure they could be scum PR
but i’m gonna take my chances here

Probably not.


not like we have that many better ideas right now
at least I don’t
I only have one idea and it’s too shaky for me to put much faith in it

Fun fact - mafia cannot risk killing them.