I’m warning yall this in advance.

If Cdecora is genuinely claiming then:
There is a fair chance mafia are killing me over them. Just so yall will suspect their information and it’ll provide a mislynch and a kill of a PR.

If Cdecora dies then it will make me smile but will be tragic.
I’d be irritated

Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
EliThePsycho an_gorta_pratai, PokemonKidRyan, Tilgarial 3/6
cdecora EliThePsycho 1/6
eevee EVO 1/6
EVO GonZ 1/6
PokemonKidRyan Intensify 1/6
[No exe] cdecora, eevee, lol, WindwardAway 4/6
[Not Voting] 0

EOD3 is at 2021-04-01T20:50:00Z.

Uhh why?

if only we had some sort of tp which could protect cdecora that sucks

it’s between you getting information and cdecora getting useful information
one of you always survives as long as we vote no exe today

I… don’t see why mafia cannot kill cdecora.

Watcher works.


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As I said if yall vote no exe, so be it.
I’m not doing it. I can’t

If they wanted to you to suspect someone I’d probably die cause I’m literally the person who can’t be protected in the slightest

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oh I think I know what their role is now, heh

It does show new light in a game kinda, right?

Follow this trail and there will be funny conclusion, just saying.

I swear to god I’m going to kill you if
I choose to visit you and it’s turns out you’re a fucking veteran role.

…i have no idea. Is it worth it?

Ultimate PGO bait yes

look, between PKR/Intensify/cdecora/GonZ only one of you can die tonight
and maybe nobody if our cards are played well
but if we screw up the day’s vote we lose a town and then possibly lose another tonight

Ok guys watch this

it’s better than accidentally voting out town today

Please be a tie wagon vote

totally waiting for Intensify to vote himself


/vote Eli

Tie wagon time

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