I’d like to wait until cdecora finishes catching up on the thread first.
I have a bit of hesitation now that they’re claiming not to be such a great leader, despite also saying they played somewhat more aggressively in their latest town game, but I’m still willing to give them a chance if they’re going to push in this game. Let’s see.

What if I’m just big braining you into fooling yourself

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It’s workable.
You do the good cop, I play the instigator and we will get it working as long as they want to actually post.

I’m just more worried if they are willing to go into wild ride.

A little late but what’s an instigator

The one who does the poking and prodding
and sometimes also sets fire to things

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Eevee the poker…

And Wind the cop…

It has a nice ring to it


You made me laugh.

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That just sounds like Pokemon but with more gambling


/vote Intensify


No u


/vote PKR

His ISO wasn’t as intrigueing as I expected it would be.

Content is mostly NAI…

And I don’t like his soul read on Marl

Also he contradicts himself?

He says he didn’t townread Eli but there’s literally a post where he townreads Eli because his progression doesn’t feel awkward

I was gonna ask a question but my brain decided to potato instead
Good night lol


Sleep well!

Instigator is what Derps is doing when they play (tho kinda failing).

It’s psychological macro game situation strategy where despite being in faction with certain leader, your main task is to question theirs opinions, in target to polish their PoV and make sure there is no misjudgments in it.
While it’s leaders job to create and convince others to own case, theirs instigator is meant to make theirs case more appealing and accurate by testing it for flaws.
Either you point out flaws and they find a way why it makes sense, or they will find better target.

It’s very different to what you see normally here, cause we have too many people aspiring to lead the town and put own INFLUENCING opinion (As you saw in PKR example, who wanted everyone to push someone, which will… create chaos).
Instigator in the end is meant to vote together with theirs leader and they do NOT select who case is on, just… complain to make sure accuracy of reads exists.


Game theory is game theory.


By soul read, do you mean the chop chop post vote? And yeah I looked through and I see the post you’re talking about.

Alternatively: vibereads :sunglasses:

In general english speaking sites have tendency for everyone to aspire to influence town.
Making games way more scumsided due to utter chaos and clash of tens of opinions.
And as I explained many times, that’s kinda stupid.

If you plaied on any easter mafia site… there is saying that optimal game is 18% mafia and mafia kill every second night.
So imagine mountainous 15er (20%), and… mafia kills every odd night.
That’s the difference level which chaos due to opinion clash introduces.

Good guy PKR lmao

English sites are more chaotic
that means it’s more scumsided
English sites make it mechanically easier on scum
English sites make it mechanically easier on scum

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