Haven’t we established this was a joke

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I have yet to confirm you are Nexus.
And I do not think anyone has.

I am asking if you are executioner (full stop)
Not “executioner nexus”

I don’t think Intensify is lying about the nexus part. Probably just town lol.

if we established it was a joke, then why the hell do we have a dead town watcher?

To try and catch mafia since my role kinda doesn’t?

oh, so you didn’t try to check him I guess


Town Watcher doesn’t matter.

This is a ninja sleepwalker,

Ofc not. I don’t think it’s that important because there can always been a scum redirector / self-redirector.

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That’s just a Nexus with more words

Again I think Intensify is town. But the possibility is WHY I have not checked them

I’ve told you already.

Checking me is pointless.

2 people alive, I have checked as “Vanilla”


Claim for the record, is your Ninja Sleepwalker claim a joke or not.

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yes and you’re missing the point
watcher is positive utility for town
vanilla cop is positive utility for town
2-shot doctor is positive utility for town
ninja sleepwalker is negative utility for town (shows up as PR, yet does absolutely nothing)
nexus is negative utility for town (redirects any non-killing actions to a random target)

cdecora was a neutral PR who would’ve shown up as vanilla.
Aelin was a 1-shot magistrate.

we have three positive and two negative, plus a weird neut and one mafia PR so far.
the doctor cannot heal the nexus, and the investigatives can only prove the nexus indirectly by knowing whether or not they’ve been redirected.
the watcher does not affect the ninja sleepwalker, but the vanilla cop does because they get a “false” PR check (which is correct, but since a ninja sleepwalker essentially does nothing, it’s useless information).
cdecora would’ve shown up falsely as vanilla to the vanilla cop, similarly to how the ninja sleepwalker would show up as a PR that really does nothing.
the magistrate blocks someone from voting and also prevents them from being voted, so they would likely be looking to target someone who’s already widely townread but also on the right track with their reads (look at Aelin’s reads and voting patterns again to see if you can find who her target would’ve been).
the magistrate gets thrown off if they target the nexus, however, because it would end up randomly on someone else.

my guess is that scum has at most one more PR that has an ability that can get thrown off by the nexus, and any remaining scum is/are goons, if all outed claims are true.
if town really has this much negative utility from having a nexus and a ninja sleepwalker, though, mafia might just have goons left.

I see.

So basically I’m never convincing you to execute PKR.

: /

Also again, if the whole ninja sleepwalker claim is a joke, this entire theory falls

Either Wind’s pocketing me or Wind has realised you’ve been barking up the wrong tree all game lol

i have no idea if that train of thought makes any sense to you. should i simplify that?

ninja sleepwalker would complement the “vanilla” PR neut, if the vanilla cop is town

oh I know that already

This requires the ninja sleepwalker to be an actual claim…

And I am very sure Eli is joking about it