I’m just making theories till Eli gets back here and actually says something that can clearly be interpreted as not being a joke.

I’m pretty sure Eli is too

And what reasons are we to believe it’s not a meme claim again…

eevee was obvious town

these rules on ties are the worst

I had to give up MY wagon because no one else would give up theirs even if I thought eevee was town.

Wind also if you believe Eli’s claim is real…

Then who do you believe the scumteam to be?

I don’t know why PKR is alive, but I don’t see him as scummy, so I’m conflicted there

idk I guess there’s something wrong with my reads and I should just give up on this game? I’m actually getting tired of reevaluating and not coming up with anything new.

my PoE still has Eli tentatively in it because I want him to do something, and if PKR hasn’t checked him we don’t actually know if he’s a PR or not. If he showed up as VT we could very easily dismiss his claim as a joke.

I think Tilgarial is scum and that’s probably where I’m placing my vote, but they’re so widely townread that I don’t know if I can convince anyone of my case. I’ll work on it later.

EVO and Gorta are both in the PoE but mostly just because they aren’t towncored.

If I’m wrong on PKR then I’m really sorry. It’s possible that’s the flaw in my towncore but it doesn’t make as much sense with the lol kill. Maybe my NKA just sucks and I should stop trying to figure out night kills altogether.

I’ve really backpedalled now

cause yesterday I thought PKR’s and Eli’s roles couldn’t be the same alignment, if both are true

but I guess I’ll wait for Eli to answer, and that’s gonna determine more than just his role.


Ok look.

How about we come to a consensus.

I’ll agree to vote off Tilga since apparently I’m not convincing anyone to vote PKR and there is some merit to the possibility of them deepwolfing.

However, if Tilga is town, I’m lockvoting PKR tommorow no matter what

And if Tilga is scum…

I’ll reconsider my read on PKR

Vote me today, tomorrow, the next day.

No matter what and when, I do not flip mafia.
You cannot hope enough to make my role just change Intensify.

Ok cool.

Thank you for the inspirational speech?

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If I can’t convince everyone to vote you here then weh.

I have no choice I guess.

my gut is screaming at me that even if you’re town this could still set us up for failure, but on the other hand I don’t have any better ideas at this point.
so I’ll say sure, and I’ll also reconsider tomorrow.


/vote Tilga

I hope your read on Tilga is super confident

it’s not super confident. I’d only have a super confident read at this point if I were wolfing, and I’m kind of unfortunately not.

what, did you think i was going to say that was a joke?

a number of people did