
I still don’t really believe the fact that my role counters 1 things and that frick with a billion other things


Sometimes it is hard to admit that we hurt more than we help.

My role doesn’t even hurt anyone else it’s just basically sticking a middle finger at me at all times telling me that I can’t be healed or protected


LMAO that’s even funnier

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I mean… I’d also screw someone over with the magistrate if it were up to me lol
that’s way more fun than helping a buddy out

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Anyways what’s the chance that dead/spec chat is screaming or cringing at us right now cause we’re about to kill an obvious locktown or we missed one of their dead reads that apparently mattered

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Informed chat have invalid opinions on what we should think considering we are uninformed

that’s… basically how it always is lol
informed chat is always going to call the uninformed majority cringe for not having TMI


if we took all of their dead reads into account, a lot of them would just end up contradicting each other or contradicting some of the flips we’ve seen, so who cares
if they gave reasoning with their reads, at the very least we can use it as a starting point to scumhunt, but other than that it’s not actually that helpful if it’s short of a hard redcheck.

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Well, shame it’s negative utility then.
But that don’t change my role

Oh no. You are definitely 100% vanilla cop without a doubt, however your alignment is questionable…

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At this point, I’m trying to figure out where stuff went wrong.
Since everything just isn’t fitting together, logic dictates there aren’t very many reasonable explanations.
A) we are missing some crucial piece of info.
B) some info we are trying to fit into everything doesn’t mesh, I.e. is either wrong or belongs to a different set of puzzles

But basically, in a game like this with that situation, ain’t it almost assured to be enemy action?
I.e., mafia?

So now the question is, is it some sort of ability that’s messing with our info, or is it plain and simple manipulation?

you mean mafia tainting our information?

oh wait this answered my question lol

off the top of my head, it’s probably not an ability messing with our info. we don’t have any living town roles that would really get relevant info that can be tampered with, as far as i can tell, since the watcher is dead and the vanilla cop can’t distinguish alignment.

i gotta get some work done but i’ll check the thread again before i go to sleep. feel free to throw questions at me, and i’ll give a longer analysis tomorrow.

can this game be over already

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at this point I’m running out of time that i can spend on this game so I kind of wish it would end
but I’m not giving up that easily, either.