interesting manuver
interesting manuver x2
interesting manuver
interesting manuver x2
I have failed.
see I told you you were misclearing EVO
I didn’t expect Aelin to push on Evo so hard jezuz.
Zone you should’ve let me replace in I was right about EVO and Tilgarial >:(
claps claps
mafia + neutral victory you mean
What was that Aelin Marl interaction that I cleared EVO for tho?
this game happened
my early gutreads were actually maybe good this game
because i gutread EVO and Aelin scum
Shouldn’t cdecora be in the title?
I couldn’t. None of them had enough warning points, and none of them requested to be subbed out.
If I were to sub you in then it’d be done out of WotM which I don’t dare to use.
Right. I’ll fix it soon.
okay but since the communist won that means everyone wins right :^)
so does this mean i officially have a better early scum gutread ratio than not
i’ve like
tunneled town via it in JoatJoatJoat13
and maybe one other game that i don’t remember
and i’ve boxed in a bunch of scum in this, efol 4 3/4, and sfol 65
clearly this means i can rely on early scum gutreads more than not
I still love how GonZ was a role
if only GonZ got GonZ
I’ll be back in a bit
Zone where is the lore on ninja sleepwalker
the lore isn’t visible to tracker/watcher reports
thus, you will never know