
It’s not like Im enjoying it either I guess

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I was so sure you’re in your 30’s or so too

wait really


You sound like it! thumbsup


Maybe I know him too well to realize that this is something people guess

That’s like 3 times my actual age

Aye, sometimes knowing people for longer does make quite the difference
You not only see how they slowly change over time (and not notice) or you’re inherently more familiar with 'em, and some things seem fundamentally different

Close enough!

I placed a bet that mafia would never be executed during the day phase
I lost that bet because Town literally failed to choose someone to be killed, let alone be wrong entirely, and RNG fucking slaughtered one of them causing me to lose the bet.
Ridiculous. I am fuming.


However; positivity has come from this event.
I am going to use that execution method in any games I host from now on.


It’s such a gamer execution method

One of the tied wagons was a wolf and the counterwagon was the entire wolfteam + a wrong Villager.

Town played well!

For exactly 1 day

I don’t remember particularly well, but didn’t they have pretty much terrible reasoning? At least they did D1 on EVO. The only one with solid reasoning there was cloned

They did have the right target, though

fair point lol

oh wow same lmao

I’m 9 and I just learned how to tie my shoe laces

Idk how to do it fast I’m so slow :disappointed:

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I can’t wait to be 10

that’s when daddy says I can learn how to drive

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Bruh face

it’s hard living living in the territories

we’re lucky cause we’re kinda rich

we own a really nice ranch, it’s actually kinda famous

you might have heard of it

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