So, you’re not exactly wrong? I’m not really trying too hard this game, just trying to have fun, give my thoughts when I have them, and otherwise just play a game with friends ^-^

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I’m not buying it
You can do that and also have meaningful solving in your posts

*shrug intensifies*

Saying I haven’t been solving is, quite simply, incorrect.

i have some thoughts on this i will share later a few hours later just want certain people to react to this situation


Ooh ooh~ i think i like investigator~
Oh and NUF players are mostly sheep so you guys are picking a sheep king no matter which nuffer you choose…
still at 495

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I’ll tell you my self, nope.

Also, the earlier me was probaby a sleep deprived troll thats slept at 7am >_>;;
But i do have a habit of committing to a bit(joke) until the end.

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That’s, quite simply, incorrect. The range of an average sharpshooter is 600-1200m. And I’m an elite sharpshooter. However, sure, let’s say I’m average. A t-rex could run at 45 miles per hour. This is roughly twenty meters per second. So, at the absolute bare minimum, it would take a t-rex 30 seconds to even get close to me. And that assumes it could find me, first. However, I have the best silencer that money can buy, as well.
Here’s a quote: “One of T. rex’s unique abilities was its hypersensitive hearing. A bone in its inner ear, the cochlea, was remarkably long. And in animals alive today, that specialization is associated with the ability to hear low frequency sounds well.” It doesn’t matter if it can hear low-frequency sounds, as a gunshot is not a low-frequency sound, even at the very, very low chance it could hear it, while it has been suppressed, from anywhere between two fifths of a mile to multiple miles away. Again, it will take them at least 30 seconds to get near me, and even then, I could just… retreat to further away. Furthermore, t. rexes are much larger than humans, so I could really move even further away whilst still being accurate enough to kill. I don’t even need to kill with the first bullet. I could just wound, or I could even just miss and shoot again. If a t-rex even attempts to follow me through the portal - first off, it’s incredibly unlikely that it could even fit. However, even if it could that would still work to my advantage as, due to their size and body mass concentration, they would not be able to move through very quickly. So, I could easily just wait until they were halfway through, fire a new portal of the same color, and woops! That t-rex just got fucking chopped in half!


Note: that was a joke, and it is a joke because the copypasta is actually Aelin’s lol

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guess who didn’t know this started and skimmed the game at 3 AM (it wasn’t me)

I don’t have much to say besides I don’t know why eevee is actually playing d1. I’m not going to say it’s scum indicative, but it’s weird for eevee. not that eevee playing d1 is a bad thing though

and I’ll be here in the morning


Moving this into human terms

Even assuming that he is some sort of magical marshmallow person(?), only his top half is a marshmallow. I could easily just disable his lower body. He now can no longer move because his lower half is a Vampire Slayer and not a marshmallow, and this is assuming I can’t damage his upper half with bullets or something I guess… like his entire upper half is just… marshmallow… but he can still move and have a brain and stuff.
We go back to the sheer distance aspect. Even if we’re back at the bare minimum of my range, 600 meters, that’s still incredibly far away. The fastest humans can sprint at 28 miles per hour, which is about 10 meters per second. On top of that, he has a hostage, yes? So, even if we’re assuming he is the peak of humanity, has infinite stamina, and isn’t at all hindered by the hostage he’s holding, it would still take him at least a minute to get close to me, and that’s assuming I’m at the bare minimum of my range. I would have been able to disable his legs at multiple points at this point in time. But, if we go back to logical occurrences, he probably wouldn’t be moving more than half a meter per second if he’s keeping the hostage steady. But, for fun, let’s say he can move at two meters per second (6.56168 feet per second). That’s still 5 minutes before he even gets near me, and all I need is a single opening. Even if he gets close, I can just teleport away. And, if he ever decides to drop the hostage to increase his movement speed, I can take him out with absolutely no worries. And this is assuming that the hostage isn’t struggling. If the hostage is struggling, then this becomes even easier for me to find an opening. All I need is to land a single shot to severely cripple the marshmallow man, and after that, it’s an easy win. There becomes no way for him to get even near me, and I can just pepper his body with shots all I want until either: his body bleeds out, or there is nothing left of him to bleed.

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GTH Marl is scum, by the way

Just from the get go, i can already see that we’ll be having mismatched online time…

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The last time Marl thought Aelin was scum, I was spectating the game and I remember thinking he was right. He gave reasons that I also saw as being valid reasons, and Aelin actually was scum. In addition to that, I pegged Marl as town and was correct on that.

I’m not getting the same vibe here. While I don’t think Aelin has been super towny, I don’t think the posts Marl is pointing out are scum-indicative or indicate lack of solving. It looks more like wolf!Marl hunting for reasons to scumread Aelin, and it doesn’t really resemble the way in which town!Marl makes his early reads.

Just sayin’, I haven’t been wrong on Marl so far :unamused:

/vote Marluxion @Zone_Q11

Smh I shouldve just left my vote on him earlier lol

I felt something like this earlier, as well. It felt like he really didn’t believe in this read, and I went through why his quotes were simply incorrect in the context he was using them for.

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Yep, that’s what I’m getting at, too.

So in conclusion, marl got uncharacteristicly sloppy.
notes down
That might be helpful if i make it to D2&3.