So you think it’s a towny reaction? Or was that was a typo?

Meta has never worked on Light pretty sure from what I’ve seen.

Meta reading tone usually helps

If I meta read at all, it’s for tone lol

town is low nervous, mafia is more nervous
More than → more nervosity than i would expect from a town. While that isn’t necessarily alignment indicative, it’s enough for a D1 read for me, considering the lack of anything concrete


I think scumLight can fake a really easy towntone.

Faking towntone isn’t too hard for most people to be honest.

I think their actions and votes would give a better idea of their alignment rather than tone.

Yah, there could be quite a few reasons for that nervousness, to be fair. It could be totally game unrelated, or only a thing in my perception
But eh

Hmm I have my doubts on this :thinking: consistency is hard to perform unnaturally

So you felt a higher intensity in the general from the reaction therefore you read them as scum?


I mean I look at Dues Ex 4 and I see that I literally misread 3 scum as town cause they just had a decent towntone

Something like that, yes

Well that could be attributed to the skill of the reader, no? :space_invader::space_invader:

o: <

You might be right

2/3 of them were consensus townreads pretty sure.

One of them was only even caught because they accidentally made a mistake in their claim

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I would go back and review it but I’d have a bias


To each their own or something like that.

Though I don’t think using towntone as a basis read or as a building block for a read on a slot is a bad idea, I wouldn’t entirely rely on it.

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On that note, how do your reads look like?

You look good for interacting with me instead of using my low activity as LHF, PKR is mega towny, eevee is weird

Eli Townlean.

PKR scumlean.

Wind hasn’t made much wallposts yet which is throwing me off… but I don’t think that really matters.

I also give Eevee some town points for the PKR thing because the argument was over a really stupid and petty thing I think and scum putting themselves in the spotlight like that for basically nothing seems like a bad move.

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Light is…well, I’ll reveal my thoughts on that after some more interactions :smiling_imp:

Idk Eevee’s meta but his personality would totally allow him to do that as mafia