looking at the rolemadness in NUF FM 1 made me sad
now you’re on my level

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that wasn’t even directed at you, btw, but I see you assumed it was xD
I think I used to post my readlists pretty early and pretty publicly but sort of dropped off doing that so early in the game after a while.

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Can i feed on the wolves instead?

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“I don’t get people who join the game and then decide to not put effort into it”

… what is hostile about that?

Like… I literally don’t get why people put more stuff on theirs head if they are busy.
And if they are not, why don’t they at least try?

wait you’re actually at a zoo?

Seriously, I’m hostile with saying I don’t understand someone?


eevee change your pfp back to an eevee

yes, it’s called Forum of Lies. Heard it has a nice area with wolves roaming freely in their habitat.

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that’s the spirit


eevee while you have your temporary townpass
what’s your read on min

I think there is imposter among my avatars.

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ok so im tinfoiling that eevee is mafia, and aelin is townie. pkr can go either way

mostly the way they have been going around with the ‘‘play the game’’ perspective
agressive on pkr for making a few posts that are fairly nai, could be bussing since it does seem overly dramatic, could be not and just stirring up content
marluxion calls out aelin for similar reasons, eevee kinda skips over that even if it does seem like something that would be around their ballpark of interest

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…how did I know eevee was going to pick a different pokemon just to spite you
is he that predictable

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I am when it comes to stuff like this, yeah.

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I see noone wants to explain to me why I’m agressive with not understanding people who sign up for bonus commitments and then decide to ignore them.

It’s probably people misinterpreting your tone as aggressive tbh
just the way you word things and are focused on the game instead of fluffposting like the rest of us dummies

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thats not even the post i quoted