Intensify i’m not positive on
i might be holding him to too high of standards after Jesterless Nightgirl Cat

I mean
you said you’d just hardpocket me back the next time you’re scum
so I know what I’m watching out for kek

well, that game, and also BotF because tbf he was right in that game as well

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but i’m not scum i just waaaaaaannnnaaa soooolve with you
like the good ol days!

too bad I’m masons with a hamster instead :slightly_frowning_face:

i’m probably against intensify d1 but we’ll see how he does from now onwards


Leafia also wanted to solve with me
and rolled scum twice lol

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Replaced by a hamster


Okay @Marluxion @WindwardAway

Am I seriously only person who doesn’t understand what lol is talking about?
And if yes, can I get explanation?

you missed his post saying why he scumreads you



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That is unrelated to exchange above, isn’t it?

crap i should’ve checked before sending that lol

no i’m assuming he thinks your aggression and overreacton is reinforcing his previous belief of
“agressive on pkr for making a few posts that are fairly nai, could be bussing since it does seem overly dramatic, could be not and just stirring up content

that bit

How does it apply to my vote on Windward?

no, lol is saying that the combination of how you interacted with PKR + your more recent posts make you come across as aggressive, and they see it as scummy.

I see it as standard eevee-behavior and nothing really off, and I wouldn’t think aggression = scummy either (considering that lol even said that I’m being aggressive but then sheeped me). But I can see how people not used to you could think you’re being aggressive.

I don’t know what your vote on me had anything to do with lol’s read on you, though.

so, lol’s calling you aggressive for your normal playstyle rather than that one specific vote


Wait, stop.

How is me refusing to give proper explanation to my vote agressive to begin with?
And why do I seem insulted for refusing to give proper reasoning?