Not yet, but I was expecting it.
It was the attempt to prevent the logic of being alive at D2 or so = me mafia; I’m fairly sure it just hasn’t caught on because I’m just too rarely mafia for 'em to realize yet…

You can’t get meta’d if you just become the easy endgame mislonch : )


looks at Gorta
i don’t think that works chief

I mean, last game gorta was decently active! to be fair, he was the only pr but that didn’t matter

I think it’s NAI.
Also I don’t think it’s important for things to necessarily help the current game.

We have a new guest.
I am happy to be accommodating with this guest and explain my own feelings since it’s not just an individual thing.

Many people experience the same thing.

You and me both know I can be serious and focused on things.
But I don’t need every one of my posts to be this way.
And if you wish to disagree with that sentiment then just vote me because I am who I am and I’ll take your vote if it means I can interact how I want to.

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And I’m happy with not having to read hundreds of posts of stuff which is plain NAI and irrelevant.

If you want to talk to someone over irrelevant stuff, go to discord.
Or discussion topic.

If you want to express something depending game, do it here.
Otherwise don’t.


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n0 eevee

Scum can’t read tiny text everybody knows that

Eevee why do you think this would particularly make PKR read Tilgarial a certain way?

I feel like that post wasn’t really AI in the slightest, why do you think PKR would make something out of a NAI post?

Unfortunately I don’t have the luxury to be able to talk to them in discord or something like that Eevee.
And you can be as dismissive as you want, I ain’t changing it, that’s that.

I will say what I want to, when I want to.
I’m not the only person like this.

So thank you for your concern and for saying your own perspective and I can appreciate it.
But I shalln’t be breaking the rules by having outside communication nor will I just ignore what others are saying.

We each can play FM how we play FM.
I’ll get into my groove when I’m ready.
And if ya want to be pedantic, then I’ll just @ you in every one of my serious posts so you can ignore me for now.

Trust me, idc.

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That’s the point?
If it’s irrelevant, why it’s here?

Becouse they want to spam the thread or doing scum talk in thread.
Chose your… choice.

a bold assupmtion

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PKR, playing FM doesn’t mean spamming the thread.
It’s rather opposite, being counterproductive and making others not care to begin with.

If you want to spam, do it somewhere else.

/Vote eevee
PL placeholder vote for now.

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Okay, justify it.

I ain’t sitting back and being quiet.
Ain’t gonna happen.

I’m being me.
I’m going to be proud and I’m going to be strong.
I’m learning to accept who I am and how I play.

I’m a forum mafia player and a forumer who loves what I do.
I’ve learned my style needs to adapt so I’m being serious here by sticking up for me

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wolfy vote imo

I mainly answered that because it seemed like a personality-reading type thing, especially since I’m new around, if hat makes a difference?

and you want to
policy lynch eevee

I can understand that it might seem opportunistic.
And I accept that.

If I’m going to be scumread for it, so be it.